The Summer Blog Award


Thanks to Alicia and Molly for nominating us for an award they have created called “The Summer Blog Award”. Go check them out at

 We are nominating these five summer blogs:

Summertime Goals

Little Miss Summer 13


The Joy Of Summer

Days Of Summer List

Here are the rules for the blogs that were nominated,

  1. Make a post about receiving this award and nominating these people, and whatever else we make you all do next
  2. Ask nine questions for people to answer (relating to summer blogs, not relating to summer blogs, doesn’t really matter)
  3. Answer the nine questions at the bottom of this post
  4. Put our link in the post somewhere
  5. Also, put the blog award picture in the post as well
  6. Questions? Comment or email us at

Nine Questions For Us To Answer:

1. Why a summer bucket list?

Sara:  Last year, I was really sad about leaving sleep away camp and had no other plans for the summer. I googled, “things to do over the summer” and came across a blog called gonewiththesummer. I was really inspired by hers and created my own bucket list blog. I did a couple items, but later gave up on it. This year, I got really into YouTube and wanted to make videos. Rachel and I decided to make a summer bucket list together and we could vlog and blog it.

Rachel: Last summer Sara got really bored so around July she made her own summer bucket list. However, we only had about a month until school started and she didn’t come close to finishing and wasn’t serious about blogging everything. So this year since we both got obsessed with YouTube and all those cool British YouTubers, we decided to try vlogging as well as blogging our own summer bucket list.

2. What is the craziest item on your list?

Sara:  Doing our AP World homework. Haha not.

Rachel: Attempt to break a world record even though we have no clue what we’re going to do.

3. What is your worst summer memory?

Sara:  At our sleep away camp, we have overnight, which is where you go to a campsite in camp, cook your meals over a fire, and sleep under the stars. When I was 11, we went to this place called “Wild Holly”, which is just a grassy forest area filled with ticks, poison ivy, and deer bones. I got really dehydrated and had a huge headache. They only had pills there, and I had never taken one. I tried to swallow it, but it hit my gag reflex and I threw up and had to walk to the infirmary in the middle of the night. Fun.

Rachel: I don’t really have any specific terrible events that happened during the summer that I can think of right now…

4. What’s the hardest item on your list?

Both: Definitely extreme couponing. It looks really complicated and takes lots of planning. But if Honey Boo Boo’s mom can do it, so can we.

5. What is your favorite shampoo?

Sara: Aussie’s Confidently Clean because it helps keep the grease out.

Rachel: John Frieda Blonde Go Blonder

6. If you could be anything other than human, what would you be and why?

Sara: A goddess. Oh wait, I already am one.

Rachel: A mermaid.

7. What is your favorite inspirational quote?

Sara: You guys do not how hard this is, especially if you have a 500 pin Pinterest board filled with quotes. I’m just going to narrow it down to my top five.

·   “It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for ‘someday’ and then quietly without you really noticing, ‘someday’ is today. And this is your life.”   -One Tree Hill

·     Y.O.L.O.

·     “Sometimes, you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”   -Dr. Seuss

·     “Always.”   – Severus Snape

·     “Isn’t it funny, how day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.”   -C.S. Lewis

Rachel: Like Sara, I’m also obsessed with inspirational quotes and I love going on Pinterest for hours and pinning inspirational stuff.

·     “To live a creative life we must loose our fear of being wrong”   -Joseph Pearce

·     “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly…”   -proverb

·     “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple”  -Dr. Seuss

8. What is your favorite childhood movie?

Sara:  High School Musical 2

Rachel: The Land Before Time

9. What do you see yourself doing in 81 years?

Sara: Not gonna lie, it took me a while to get the “81” years thing. I would imagine myself living in the Swiss countryside with my hubby and our dogs.

Rachel: Uhhh.. That’s a loooooooonnnggg time. I mean I’ve got no clue of what I even want to do in college let alone the rest of my life.. That’s actually really weird to even think about..

If you were nominated by us, answer these nine questions:

1. Do you think you’ll finish your summer bucket list?

2. What item on your bucket list are/were you most excited to complete?

3. What has been the best part of your summer so far?

4. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

5. Do you sing in the shower?

6. What’s your star sign?

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

8. What was the last movie you watched?

9. Tell a fun fact that barely anyone else knows about yourself.

76. Create an Adventure Book

Hello everyone!

Today we did probably one of the most procrastinated items on the list, which was create an adventure book. This idea comes from my favorite animated film, UP. In the movie, Carl and Ellie create an adventure book with pictures of things they are going to do when they go on their adventure to Paradise Falls. Our adventure is this summer, so we filled ours with pictures of what we were going to do, i.e. our edited pictures on our Instagram, and pins and things we found on Pinterest and Tumblr.

our supplies

our supplies

We used many different materials that we found throughout the household, including random scraps of paper, duct tape, ribbon, stickers, a hot glue gun, string, markers and some printed things from the inter webs. We didn’t have much of a plan going into to this, but I have to say Rachel is the one who made it look beautiful. We knew the first page was going to say, “stuff I’m going to do” and she copied the font exactly like the legit adventure book.

IMG_5162I am not particular an artist, mainly because I lack the needed skill and patience. Rachel, on the hand, took her time and it turned out wonderful. I hate to admit it, but she practically did the entire thing. Aside from printing out the photos, I did about 2 pages. It would not look pretty if I had done more.

Rachel working hard, but someone had to take the photos, right?

Rachel working hard, but someone had to take the photos, right?

The cover is my favorite part. As another thing that Rachel did, it looks quite flawless.

the finished product

the finished product

To see the inside, check out our youtube video.

We left half the book blank to fill we “stuff we did”, once the summer is over.  Hopefully, we will have finished everything. Can’t wait to do more! Let the adventure begin!

